First Light

I’ve never been a morning person. Some people wake up with the first light, energised, alert, and eager to face the day. That’s not me. Something deep in my brain is wired for night-time, rather than early morning, and my instinct, when the alarm goes off in the morning, is to snuggle deeper under the quilt, close my eyes, and drift off again.

But I do get up early sometimes, and once I’ve convinced the brain and the wanting-to-close eyes that it’s okay to actually be awake, I can almost enjoy early mornings. If I go outside, I love them.

This morning, I was out before sunrise. We woke about 5.30am; it was light outside, but the soft, pearly light before the sun is visible. I took the camera out. The frogs were croaking away quite loudly in the dam – we’ve had rain recently, and they’re still singing about that, with all their little froggy hearts. The air was still, and while it wasn’t exactly quiet, with the frogs singing and the choughs squawking amongst the trees, there was a sense of quiet, each sound distinct in the stillness.

Our place is surrounded by bush; at that time of morning, the trees are silhouetted against the sky. A patch of lighter sky, low on the eastern horizon, signals the coming sun.
Before sunrise: light in the east

To the west, the sky has a soft pink edge to it, reflecting the new light.

Before Sunrise 1

The sun breaks above the horizon of distant trees, and the light transforms from pink, through apricot, to gold:
Sunrise in the bush

..and its rays scatter through the trees, catching some of them in shafts of gold:
Sunrise in the bush 2

So, why, I hear you ask, did I get up early this morning? To take photos 🙂 And why did I want to take photos? To put on my blog.

And why is today’s blog about the early morning?

Because it seemed like a good way to create an atmosphere for my readers, in which I can announce that my publisher and I have decided that the title for my third book in the Dungirri series will be: First Light.

I love the title. It fits well with the As Darkness Falls and Dark Country, and completes the arc, from the fall of night, through the darkness, to the fresh promise of a new day.

Now I just have to finish writing it…

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4 Responses to First Light

  1. azteclady says:


    *waiting (im)patiently*

  2. Fleur says:

    I love the early mornings in the country, Bron! My father-in-law used to say it was the best part of the day and I have to agree with him! Nights and I don’t work!

    I love the photo – and the title for the new book is just fantastic! You’re very clever!

  3. Eric says:

    Oh, I love ‘First Light. —- First light is when impressions are churned and plans made. When a page is turned and a journey grows, a direction from somewhere known to someplace grand of mind. And, the trees speak visions of promise. —- Eric

  4. Helene says:

    Beautiful, Bronwyn! Will we see one of your wonderfully evocative photos on the cover??

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