Gordon’s away for a couple of days, so I’m on morning dog-feeding and walking duty. This morning we recorded a temperature of -4 degrees Celsius on the front porch – and there was definitely a frost coating the paddocks! Here’s a few photos, taken while the dogs sniffed around at interesting smells while we walked:

Frost in the west paddock

Morning frost on native blackthorn leaves

Frost on eucalyptus leaves
As we were walking back to the house, down by our little dam, I saw something unusual hanging from a clump of native mistletoe on a eucalypt. Closer inspection revealed this:

I’ve never seen anything quite like it before – I’m not sure what type of caterpillars they are.
The forecast for tomorrow morning is only for -1, but as I was well-rugged up this morning, and didn’t feel the cold too badly, I should be fine tomorrow.
Bronwyn, Your ‘world’ has the markings of an ideal environment for animals and people. Hope the week is proving special and the thought of spending more time there churns your creative juices to stories for your fans to read. (I’m one) —- Eric
Thanks for sharing these photos! It’s fun to see your side of the world.
All the best,
Gail 🙂
Sorry I missed responding to your comments, Eric and Gail!
Eric, yes, it is a beautiful environment here, and I count myself very lucky to be able to live out in the bush.
Gail – I think it’s fun to see lots of parts of the world! I love to travel, and when I can’t travel, seeing photos and reading about other places and people’s perspectives on them is interesting, too.