I know I posted in January that this would be coming soon…but then I unexpectedly went into hospital, and around the same time I also realised that the last quarter of the book wasn’t as good as I wanted it to be. My apologies for the delay! It’s been a mad few months, but The Clothier’s Daughter is now finished, edited, proofread, and will be published in a few days – Thursday 11th July. The ebook is now available for pre-order at Amazon, Kobo, Apple and other ebook sellers. There will be a paperback version, but that won’t be ready for a couple of weeks. More info on the print version soon!
I do love this book—my first historical romance—and I hope my readers will, too. Here’s the blurb:
In the unusually wet summer of 1816, Emma Braithwaite struggles to keep her family’s traditional wool cloth manufacturing company afloat. Her father has died, her brother is missing, and the new cotton factories are spreading, rendering the fine worsted fabrics the Braithwaites have made for generations, expensive and unfashionable. Being a woman in a man’s world of trade is challenging enough, but when her warehouse catches fire it brings her only a step away from financial ruin and debtor’s prison.
After eight years of war, Major Adam Caldwell is returning for the first time to his family home, Rengarth Castle, when he stops to assist at a warehouse fire … and comes face-to-face with the woman he once loved and lost. Despite all his efforts to forget her, in truth she’s never been far from his thoughts. He was unworthy of her then, and even more so now.
But as the threats against Emma escalate, they discover that someone wants control of Emma’s family company and is prepared to murder anyone in the way of getting it – including Emma.

Pre-order links:
Check back soon for some more information about launch celebrations, including a giveaway and a special offer for paperback purchases.