In The Clothier’s Daughter, the heroine, Emma Braithwaite, has second cousins who run a rival business, the old Braithwaite family company having been split into two when their respective grandfathers argued.
I’ve always been fascinated by genealogy and started asking about my own family tree when I was still in primary school—which got both my parents started on many decades of family history research, on both sides of the family.
So, naturally, when I was writing The Clothier’s Daughter, I had to work out the Braithwaite family history. If you’ve read the book and wondered about the family connections, I’ve drawn up a family tree to illustrate them. It’s a PDF file, and you can download it by clicking on the link:
The Caldwell family tree is less complicated (at least in terms of the characters in the first book in the series!), so here’s the order of the ten children of George Adam Caldwell, the 5th Earl of Rengarth and his wife Caroline (clearly a healthy woman with little difficulty bearing children, and happily in love with her husband!):
George, 6th Earl of Rengarth, b. 1785, m. Hannah
Adam, b. 1787
Oliver, b. 1788
Louisa, b. 1790
Phoebe, b. 1792
Lilian, b. 1794
Susanna, b. 1798
Jeremy, b. 1800
Cecilia, b. 1802
Benamin, b. 1805
And yes, I do have ideas for books for many of these characters—the Braithwaite and Caldwell families are full of interesting people who live full lives!