The spread of the Covid-19 virus will be a challenge for all of us. I’m fortunate that I live out of town, that I work from home anyway, and that G is retired now. Although I’ll miss my volunteer work at Saumarez and the Folk Museum, staying at home for the winter won’t hit us as hard as it will many others.
My thoughts are with those in hospitality, tourism, the performing arts, and many other professions that will be hit hard, as well as all those in the health sector who are working with such dedication to help those who fall ill.
For those of us able to stay home, it will be a quiet time – unless you have a household of children! (In which case, may your sanity last while you adapt and may it become a time of closeness for your family.) Although I still have writing, research, and some online tutoring to do, I’m planning to also catch up on some reading and DVDs, and to sew up a portion of my fabric stash. I hope you all have plenty of uplifting activities to occupy yourselves with if you’re staying home.
I know that not being able to go out to work is going to affect many people’s income (including mine). So I’m dropping the e-book price of The Clothier’s Daughter for a while, to $2.99 USD, $4.99AUD. It’s a good long read, so it will distract you from virus news for a fair few hours!

Buy links:;; Other e-book stores
Unfortunately I can’t drop the price of the paperback in bookstores as it’s Print on Demand and I make less than $1 on paperbacks sold through Amazon, Book Depository, Booktopia etc. However, I do have some copies left in stock and have reduced their price, so you can order a signed copy from me if you wish.
In good news for overseas readers, I’m in the process of getting unsold foreign rights reverted from my publisher for the Dungirri and Goodabri books, and I’ll be independently publishing US editions in the next couple of months, once I have new covers, new formatting, and have edited for a US audience. They’ll be available in e-book and paperback. And yes, it’s my intention that the covers for each series will have a similar style so that they look good together!
I have intentions of being more active on social media, and updating this blog more often, with reading recommendations, maybe a video or three, and whatever else I can think of that might interest readers. But of course I’ll also be writing, because I know the next book is the most important activity I can do!
Thanks for your positive attitude to the Coronavirus crisis, Bronwyn, giving stay-at-homes some beautiful, uplifting reading at thoughtful prices. I hope many new readers find and enjoy your books during this trying time. XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Valerie, thank you for your lovely words. Stay well and safe xxxxxxxxxx
Hi Bronwyn
I hope this finds you well. Just to let you know I thoroughly enjoyed The Clothier’s Daughter.
I have bought and read all of your books and wish you every success with future publications.
Please pass on my regards to G as well.
Eve Woodberry from Wollongong
Hello Eve! Yes, we’re both well here and enjoying the green grass after last year’s awful drought. (Not the grass seeds in the dogs’ coats and our socks so much…) I hope the fires in January down your way didn’t impact you too much. I’m so pleased to hear that you enjoyed The Clothier’s Daughter! I’m working on the next book now. Stay well!