I’ve (finally!) set up a bookstore for my print books: https://bronwyn-parry-bookstore.square.site/
Postage is to Australian addresses only. You can use the coupon code XMAS10 for 10% off until this Friday, 18th December. Please note that as I’m in rural NSW, add an extra couple of days for postage times – so if you’d like to order a book to arrive in time for Christmas, please order by Wednesday 16th for the best chance. I’ll also be away from 21st December until around the 6th January.
Apologies to my international readers – unfortunately overseas postage is way too expensive to offer. However, you can purchase my books through Book Depository, Amazon, and other online booksellers. And the good news is there will be US editions of the Dungirri and Goodabri books available early next year.