Signed bookplates for Mother’s Day gifts

Mother’s Day is coming up fast, and every Mother probably deserves some quiet time to sit down, put her feet up, and relax with a good book!

I’ve made up some bookplates for Dead Heat, so if you’re giving your Mum (or your wife, or your Aunt, or anyone else!) a copy of Dead Heat for Mother’s Day, and you’d like a signed bookplate to put into it, I’ll send one out to you. They look like this:

Bookplate for Dead Heat by Bronwyn Parry

I write in the white part and sign it, and you can peel off the backing and stick it into the book.

If you’d like one to include with a gift, fill out the form below, including your name and address, and the name that you’d like the inscription made out to. Don’t forget to click on the ‘Send’ button! I’ll post them the working day after I receive your request. (Edited to add – If you can’t see the form below, click on the title of this post and you’ll see the whole post, including the form.)

Please note, though, that as I’m in rural Australia, the mail will take a few days to get from me to you… so I suggest that you request a bookplate by Sunday, 6 May at the latest. (Requests made after that will be posted, but unless you’re in Sydney and surrounds, may not reach you in time for Mother’s Day.)

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    Bookplate Request

    Your Message

    Please include your name and the address for posting, and the name that you'd like the bookplate inscribed for.

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    Dogs gone wild…

    I must have wandered away from the computer, because next thing I know, the dogs have been posting over at the lovely LoveCats DownUnder blog. They’re even giving away a copy of Dead Heat to the person who comes up with the best caption for a funny photo of Skye and posts it over there. So pop on over there for a little light-hearted fun with my two cheeky Border Collies!

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    Just a few days before my Dad died in March, one of my closest friends was diagnosed with cancer. Not long after I returned from Canberra, we learned that her cancer was an aggressive one, with a tumour pressing against her windpipe. She wasn’t well enough to come for the book launch, but the last time I spoke to her was when she phoned, although she had little breath to talk,  to tell me how much she’d enjoyed reading Dead Heat. She died on April 13th; her funeral on Friday drew hundreds of people, a testament to her gentle, generous nature and the love and respect so many people in our town held for her. We have been friends for 18 years; she designed our house, we travelled on numerous outback trips with her and her husband; Gordon bushwalked with them hundreds of times, often finishing here for afternoon tea, where she and I discussed textiles, teas, books, gardens, living simply.  I will miss her a great deal.

    As you can imagine, losing my Dad and my friend within six weeks at the same time as Dead Heat was released has been something of an emotional roller-coaster for me. I’m trying to concentrate on the highs – and there’s definitely been some! Some great views, lovely comments from readers, and appearing for 3 weeks in a row in my publisher’s Top 10 books – for a short while there (probably due to being in the Big W Book Bonanza catalogue!) Dead Heat was outselling Stephen King, John Grisham and JR Ward 🙂  It won’t make it on to the Australian Top 10 charts (that Suzanne Collins is claiming most of the places!!) but it’s a good feeling to be doing well for my publishers, anyway.

    Thank you to everyone who has commented recently, emailed me, commented on Facebook or Twitter. If I haven’t replied to everyone, please know that in this difficult time your positive words and feedback about Dead Heat have been uplifting and have mattered to me. I hope to catch up and get back to everyone this coming week.



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    Good news – reprints!

    It’s lovely to finish the week with some good news. I knew last week that my publisher is printing more of As Darkness Falls, as it was out of stock at the distributor. But I was told yesterday that they’re also printing more of Dead Heat, and also more of the re-issue of Dark Country that came out last month.

    Thank you to all my readers for your support for my books!

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    Friday Photo: Sunset walk

    I often walk the dogs in the western paddock just as the sun is setting, and I love the last golden rays of low, slanting sunlight through the bush:

    Last rays of sunlight through the trees


    Sunset through the trees

    My canine companions were relatively patient while I was waving the camera around. Skye has learned to ‘sit’ (and can do so for seconds at a time!):

    Skye the border collie

    And here’s a rare photo of Tansy that isn’t blurred with movement:

    Tansy the border collie


    Friday Photo is part of my new blog plan to encourage me to blog more often!

    Posted in Friday Photos, Landscape, Photos | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments