Storm Clouds here!

In the mail today, one of the first copies, hot off the printing press . . .

Storm Clouds by Bronwyn ParryI

It’s always a wonderful moment, holding for the first time a book that I’ve written. Joyful and proud and a little bit scary, too – because it will soon be out in the world, and readers will open the pages, and I just have to hope that what I’ve written works as a story for them and catches their imagination.

Storm Clouds will be available from 13th January, in Australian and New Zealand bookshops, and through online booksellers. Standby for some more announcements about giveaways, book signings, and other events to celebrate its release!

Meanwhile, we’ve had a fair few real storm clouds overhead lately, but they’ve only produced a little desperately-needed rain. Less than an inch, and we’re still way under our average annual rainfall, with dams almost dried up and the grass dead and crunchy underfoot. We’ve even had kangaroos on our veranda, licking up the water spilled when watering our potted plants. Maybe the title of the book will bring us some more rain! We could do with a couple of good summer storms, soaking the ground and sending run-off into the dams.

Wishing you as much rain as the land and wildlife around you needs, and a good book to curl up with while the rain patters down to refresh the landscape.

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Christmas IOUs and signed copies

A few people have asked if Storm Clouds will be available in time for Christmas as they’d like to either give it as a gift to a keen reader, or put it on their own Christmas wish list. Unfortunately, it won’t be – I’m not even sure I’ll get an advance copy in time to give it to my Mum! (Sorry, Mum.)

However, if you’d like to give someone a promise at Christmas that you’ll give the book when it’s out in January, I have some quality notecards with the cover printed on the front. I can send you one, with Christmas greetings to your giftee signed by me on one side of the inside, leaving the other side blank for you to write your IOU/promise/plans to give the book in January.

Storm Clouds notecardIf you’d like me to send you one of these cards, please use the request form below. But as I’m in a rural area, and Christmas mail can sometimes get caught up, please request it by Thursday, 11th December to ensure time to reach you before Christmas.

Please indicate:
Your name
Your address
Who to write the Christmas greeting for

For those who’d like to order a buy a signed copy of Storm Clouds, I will be putting an order form on the website and will be able to send out copies in January when I have received my order from the distributor. However, I can’t put the form up yet as I don’t know how heavy the book will be, and what it will cost to post. If you’d like to go on a mailing list to be notified when I have those details, please comment on this post. Indicating interest at this stage isn’t a commitment, since I can’t tell you how much it will be!

I hope to also be able to offer some signed bookplates on adhesive paper, which will be a much cheaper option than me posting books – more info on that soon!

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There’s a storm coming . . .

The copy edits are done, the cover is (almost) finished, and in mid-January – just in time for summer reading in Australia – Storm Clouds will be in the bookshops!

Cover of Storm Clouds by Bronwyn Parry

Isn’t it a gorgeous cover?

Here’s the blurb:

He can make you believe in the ultimate lie… 

National Parks ranger Erin Taylor loves her job, is falling for her colleague, Simon, and is finally leaving her past behind . . .

Until a woman is murdered. But the victim is not just any woman – she’s Simon’s wife, Hayley. The wife he’s never mentioned. The wife he’s not seen in fourteen years. On the edge of the national park the alternative lifestyle ‘Community of Bliss’ denies knowledge of Hayley, but Simon and Erin suspect otherwise. Erin will have to draw on all her old skills – deception, lying, cheating – to gain the trust of its members and discover their secrets.

As Simon uncovers shocking details about the reclusive group, Erin is drawn further into their midst and finds a web of lies, decades old – and comes face-to-face with the charismatic, manipulative, dangerous leader who will let nothing and no-one stand in his way. On the wrong side of a river in flood that has become a lethal torrent, Erin and Simon must race to expose the truth and prevent a tragedy . . .

Keen readers may recognise Simon and Erin, who were secondary characters in Dead Heat – yes, Storm Clouds is loosely linked, but the crimes are quite separate and the books stand alone. Those of you anxiously awaiting another Dungirri book will probably be pleased to know that, although this one isn’t set in Dungirri, Detective Sergeant Steve Fraser is called to Goodabri for this investigation – and refused to stay in the background!

Storm Clouds is now available for pre-order at most online booksellers, or pop in to your local book shop (if you have one!) and let them know you’d like to see it in January.

Preorder at

Add Storm Clouds to your Goodreads bookshelf:

Storm Clouds

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Little Miss Disruption

How can one cute little puppy disrupt our settled lives (and my blogging) so thoroughly?

Way back in January I introduced our new border collie puppy, Pippin:

Pippin the puppy curled up in toy basket

Pippin at nine weeks old in the toy basket.

Way back in February was the last time I updated this blog. These two things are connected 🙂

Pippin is the most gorgeous, loving, full of energy and never-stopping puppy we’ve had – and we’ve raised three other border collies! She’s now seven months old, and she has more energy and get-up-and-go than the others ever did – I not-so-jokingly say, possibly enough energy to power the state.


Not long after we brought her home, we discovered that she had a congenital deformity, an ectopic ureter. In February I took her to a specialist vet in Tamworth for scans. Basically, one ureter leading from the kidney to the bladder was embedded in the bladder wall, and through the wall of the urethra, so that it didn’t empty into her bladder at all but instead just dripped fairly continually. She really did try to keep her pees for outside, but physically it was impossible. Thankfully, we have a polished cement floor rather than carpet, but it did keep us busy cleaning up when she was inside. In March, we went back to Tamworth again for the surgery, and our little Pipsqueak spent a week in hospital.

Now, if you’ve ever had a dog who’s had major surgery, you know that the vet says to ‘keep them quiet’ for some time afterwards. And if you’ve ever had an active dog, you can imagine the challenges of keeping a super-energetic border collie puppy ‘quiet’ for two weeks! The additional instruction from the vet was ‘no running’ for four weeks post surgery – yes, you may fall about laughing now! We couldn’t put her out with the other two dogs in the dog yard for the first week or two, because she and Skye would just have chased each other at full speed around and around. So, we had a lot of time with her inside, trying to keep her entertained. Giving her bones outside on a chain worked at times, too. I gradually put her out for a while in the yard with the other two in the middle of the day – sleepy time for dogs. We did fail on the ‘no running for four weeks’ but did manage to limit it.


The surgery was successful, although it has taken a while for her bladder to stretch, and for her to get used to the new internal ‘arrangements’. All three are inside in the evenings, but because we don’t have a fence around the house, and there are so many kangaroos, wallabies and bunnies, we can’t just let them outside to pee, we have to take them out on the lead. And Pippin needs to go out every half hour or so…

She’s so active and wants to play All. The. Time. Chasing ropes or balls, playing with Skye – in the evenings we have to put her in the crate for a few short breaks, just so we can all have some quiet time. Fortunately she usually quickly drops off to sleep and we have half an hour of quiet before she wakes up and is raring to go again.


If she’s not in the crate, this can go on for ages:

All three dogs get along pretty fine:

Three Girls

But Pippin’s so active that sometimes Skye decides she needs a break – and she goes into the crate of her own volition for some quiet time!


So, all in all, my quiet evenings in which I used to do lots of writing, blogging etc, are now mostly taken up with dog playing and supervising. And since we’re all up at 6am to take dogs for long walks, I’m not getting much done after 10pm-ish, when the girls go outside to the dog yard for the night. It’s wonderful, it’s fun, and we wouldn’t give up our lovable little girl for anything… but I’m looking forward to her getting a little older, and learning to entertain herself more often! It’s starting to happen gradually, so all paws fingers crossed she’ll settle a bit more soon. And yes, I can see agility classes in our future!



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Valentine’s Day

Tomorrow is the day that florists, chocolate manufacturers, and restaurants love: Saint Valentine’s Day.

I’m excited that I’ll be flying to Melbourne first thing in the morning to participate in Sisters in Crime’s celebration of the day – a panel discussion tomorrow night, titled ‘She Always Gets Her Man’ with fellow romantic suspense authors Helene Young and Cheryl Wright, chaired by crime writer Leigh Redhead. If you’re in Melbourne, come along and join in the fun – details are on my events page.

And yes, I’m leaving my beloved at home on Valentine’s Day and heading off for a weekend in Melbourne without him. But don’t worry – we’ve been together for 20 years now and there are plenty of ways we express our feelings on many more days a year than just one, so he won’t be feeling neglected! (And there’s a box of chocolates in the fridge and double-choc chip muffins in the freezer, so if he suddenly has any chocolate cravings he’ll be fine…)

Romance writers are often expected to have something to say on Saint Valentine’s Day – and why not, since we write about love? Now I confess that I’m not overly fond of all the hype and marketing of the day; don’t get me wrong, I love chocolates and flowers and intimate dinners for two and celebrating a loving relationship and if you’re doing that tomorrow, have a wonderful, joyful time! But love, and building a loving, committed, lasting relationship is much more than the marketers tell us; it would be wonderful to see more emphasis and discussion on love itself, rather than the pressure to buy things to ‘prove’ your love.

So, in honour of Saint Valentine’s Day, I’m posting in my Articles section an article I wrote a few years ago for the Romance Writers of Australia magazine, Hearts Talk – The Heart of the Matter: Elements of a lasting love. It was written for romance writers, but maybe there’s something in there for readers, and lovers, too. I’d love to know what you think of it!

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